![About Cats](http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_GmlJ2al7e_k/S0l8-bh6BeI/AAAAAAAAIfM/4b0O64OZJuc/s400/cats+illustration.jpg)
- Cats have 30 vertebrae, which is 5 times more than men
- Cats have 230 bones, which is 24 times more than men
- Cats have no collarbone, which allows entry through the gap as wide as head
- Flexibility amazing cat's body, front legs can be rotated in all directions, and half of the body can move in the opposite direction
- Cat more sensitive hearing than humans and dogs. Limit the cat auditory 65 kHz, 20 kHz, while human
- Cats have the largest eyes in comparison with other mammals (in relation to body size)
- Cats can not see in total darkness, but the sharpness of his eyes at night very well.Cat's eye has a layer of light perefleksi called the tapetum can serve to reinforce the light entering the retina
- Scope of 185-degree view of the cat
- Cats have a sense of smell 20-80 million olfactory cells, whereas only 5-20 million people
- Normal cats pulse of 110-170 pulses per minute (if you want to check the pulse to do in the hamstrings at the joints that connect the foot with the body)
- Cat's breath as much as 20-40 times per minute
- Normal cat temperature 102F or 38.8C
- Village cat can run at the speed of 31 mile per hour
- Cats have a nervous system very sensitive
- Cats can jump to a height of 5 times his height
- Every cat has a nose pad that is very distinctive, so it will not have two cats penah have the same nose prints
- Cats respond better to female calls than men, probably because suata women have a higher peak
- People who are allergic to cats in general are allergic to cat saliva
- Has been scientifically proven that stroking a cat is one way of lowering our blood pressure
- Averaging 15-16 years of age cat
- To determine the age of equality with the age of the cat, start with the age of 20 years as a cat's first year, then add 4 human years of age for each age in cats. For example: If your cat was 4 years old is equivalent to 20 years (to age 1 year) plus 3 x 4 years, which is equivalent to the age of 32 years on
source: kaskus.us
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